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"Your Measurement and Automation Industry Partner"

           NVSI NEWSLETTER                                          OCEANIA REGION EDITION                                         JUNE 2004

 What's New in this Edition?

Welcome to the June edition of the NVSI Monthly Newsletter!  We have created this newsletter in the hope to provide our clients, partners and the general measurement and automation industry public with updated information on the products and services from Neo Vista System Integrators Pty Ltd.  Below is a list of what's in this issue:

    Two NVSI Staff Members Achieve the Ultimate Certification!
    NVSI Moves to more Modern Offices
    User Solution: National Standards Commission Environmental Chamber
    Upgrading to LabVIEW 7.1 - What's in it for me?
    Meet the Staff: Christopher Relf - National Manager (Australia)

Two NVSI Staff Members Achieve Certification!

We are extremely proud to announce that both Liam Granger (Senior Technical Specialist) and Christopher Relf (National Manager - Australia) have recently become National Instruments Certified LabVIEW Architects.

Becoming a Certified LabVIEW Architect signifies Liam and Christopher's mastery of LabVIEW, and covers not only technical expertise, but also project planning, QA, large team/application management, and extremely advanced techniques.  As far as National Instruments is concerned, Liam and Christopher have reached the pinnacle of LabVIEW certification.

We're absolutely chuffed, and very proud of both Liam and Christopher - well done guys!.

You can find more information regarding the National Instruments Certified LabVIEW Architect accreditation here.

NVSI Moves to more Modern Offices

Due to our business expansion, the Australian office of NVSI has moved to modern, more spacious premises in Top Ryde (Sydney). Moving to these new premises has not only given us more room to play, but also puts us closer to the technological hot spots of Sydney, and hence our clients and partners. Situated on the corner of Victoria Road and Devlin Street, we are at the cross roads of two major arterials, close to a train corridor and the M4, providing us with faster response times to the Northern, Western and Southern Sydney metropolitan areas.

Our telephone, fax and postal details have changed - please have a look at our contacts page for updated details

If you're interested in attending a GOOP® course in your area, please contact NVSI by filling in your details here.


User Solution: NSC Environmental Chamber

The National Standards Commission (NSC) performs pattern approval type testing on measuring instruments used for trade purposes in Australia.  Part of this process involves the use of temperature and humidity controlled environmental chambers.  This project relates to a chamber which in extended form has a volume of 34m3.  Achieving reliable controlled environmental conditions has proved difficult in the past, as the previous system would require approximately 24 hours to stabilize to 20°C at 50% relative humidity.  The previous system was controlled by a hardwired micro controller, and relied on outdated electronic control systems.

The previous NSC solution was replaced with a real-time Field Point based system, which achieved an order of magnitude improvement in both temperature and humidity monitoring and control, and increased the response time of the system from 24 hours to 30 minutes.  Temperature set points were attained to an accuracy of ±0.1K, and relative humidity to ±1%.  The new system is easily configurable using a database front-end, and can be quickly altered using the LabVIEW RT IDE and Field Point hardware.

You can find more information regarding the NVSI National Standards Environmental Chamber solution on our website: www.nvsi.com.au or www.nvsi.co.nz

  Upgrading to LabVIEW 7.1 - What's in it for me?

National Instruments has just launched the latest version of their flagship development environment - is it worth the upgrade?  Here's some of the new inclusions in LabVIEW 7.1 (assuming your current version is 7.0 - if you have an earlier version, click here to compare your version to LabVIEW 7.1):

    Support for hyper-threading enabled processors
    Radio Button User Interface Controls
    Exporting Controls as Images
    Navigation Window for easily viewing large front panels and block diagrams
    Display Buffer Allocation tool helps improve VI performance
    Faster BLAS/LAPACK-based math and advanced analysis functions
    Polynomial Computation VIs for calculations and evaluations with rational polynomials
    Bluetooth VIs for wireless communication
    Modular Instrument Express VIs
    NI-DAQmx support for LabVIEW Real-Time

For more information on LabVIEW 7.1, click here.

  Meet the Staff: Christopher Relf - National Manager

Christopher graduated from the University of Technology, Sydney with a Bachelor of Science (Physics), where he developed his first LabVIEW application as part of his Scientific Instrumentation course work. After working for a year as the Duty Programmer and a Cathodal Luminesence Microscopist at the Sydney Microstructural Analysis Unit, he worked as a Computer Instrumentation Scientist at the Division of Telecommunications and Industrial Physics at the CSIRO in Lindfield, Sydney.  Christopher then worked with a very talented team of Software Engineers JDS Uniphase (Australia), effectively creating a WIP- based test execution system for the creation of Fibre Bragg Gratings (FBGs).  After JDSU, Christopher wrote a technical LabVIEW book title "Image Acquisition and Processing with LabVIEW" (currently available from CRC Press and amazon.com), and joined NVSI in 2003 as our National Manager (Australia).

Christopher is a Certified LabVIEW Architect, and Endevo Certified GOOP
® Trainer.  Christopher's expertise includes Vision-based applications, and large project/team management.

In Our Next Issue (July 2004)      

  Stick around for our next issue, and read about:

* User Solution: Automated Object Inspection System
* Australasian Training Opportunities for Software Engineers
* Meet One of Our Partners: TBA
* Meet the Staff: Laurent Raynal
...and more!



  Neo Vista System Integrators Pty Ltd is a National Instruments Certified Alliance Partner, providing expert software, hardware and education products in the Measurement and Automation industry.  NVSI's mission is:

"To ensure our Partner's and Client's long-term viability and success, by providing them with timely, appropriate and effective advice, products and services that enhance their technology, increase their efficiency and decrease their product's time-to-market."


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Not happy with what's in the newsletter?  Like us to cover something in particular in a future issue?  Please send your feedback to the NVSI Newsletter editor through our website

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* Prices are listed in Australian Dollars (AUD), and are not inclusive of GST
* Systems and their components are subject to availability
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