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"Your Measurement and Automation Industry Partner"

           NVSI NEWSLETTER                                          OCEANIA REGION EDITION                                         APRIL 2005

 What's New in this Edition?

Welcome to the April 2005 edition of the NVSI Monthly Newsletter!  We have created this newsletter in the hope to provide our clients, partners and the general measurement and automation industry public with updated information on the products and services from Neo Vista System Integrators Pty Ltd.  Below is a list of what's in this issue:

    NI Days 2005 - We came, we saw, we presented!
    Incorporating UML into your LabVIEW projects
    IMAQ for USB Devices Toolkit Released
    TEDS - Are you Ready?
    Website / Newsletter Revamp - Coming Soon!

  NI Days 2005 - We Came, we Saw, we Presented!

NVSI again attended the highly successful NI-Days 2005 in Sydney, Auckland and Christchurch where users like you got to see some of the cool things we've been up to over the last year, as well as press our Certified LabVIEW Architect and Developers with your difficult (and sometimes obscure!) LabVIEW challenges.  Once again, we were invited to follow the morning keynote speech with a real-world user solution, and this year we presented our award-winning National Standards Commission 50 Tonne Load Cell Compliance Tester user solution, based on two real-time FieldPoint units, controlling load profiles, cyclic environmental conditions, reporting all results to a central SQL database.

The quality of NI-Days participants was up from last year, with industry leaders coming together to chew the fat and share their experiences.  Below is a picture of our table, including two of our Technical Specialists looking very dapper in their Certified LabVIEW Developer shirts!


Incorporating UML into your LabVIEW Projects

Endevo, an NVSI partner, has released their long-anticipated UML Modeller, an easy-to-use modelling tool that is specifically integrated to LabVIEW.

Written entirely in LabVIEW, the UML Modeller is a tool to aid in system architecture design and documentation.  This makes your modelling much more rewarding and productive than solely relying on white board or multi- purpose drawing programs.  The UML Modeller supports Use Cases and Sequence / Class Diagrams, as defined in UML (www.uml.org).

Although these features are enough to excite just about any software architect, there's more!  The Endevo UML Modeller supports LabVIEW code generation from a visual description, the class diagram, of your design!  The tool integrates towards Endevo's GOOP Wizard 3 for code generation and reverse engineering purposes, and generates comprehensive descriptions of existing systems.

For more information on Endevo's UML Modeller, click here.


IMAQ for USB Devices Toolkit Released


As recognised Vision and Automated Object Inspection experts, one of the most common questions we are asked is "Can I acquire images using a USB camera?"  Our reluctant answer has been "well, sort of" - there are a number of third party toolkits available that allow users to plug in their USB cameras and get data from them, with varying success.  Until now...

National Instruments has released a new free toolkit: "NI-IMAQ for USB Cameras", available from their website.  With NI-IMAQ for USB Cameras, you can:

  • Acquire images from any USB imaging device with DirectShow support
  • Choose between one-shot or continuous image acquisition
  • Configure cameras programmatically
  • Acquire directly into Vision Assistant for easy application prototyping

Admittedly, we usually shy away from USB cameras, as they often have poor quality sensor arrays and their lenses are almost always of a quality lower than automated object inspection requires.  With the availability of cheap FireWire cameras increasing dramatically over the last few years, we believe that there's no substitute for quality, so if your application requires more than a standard webcam, we suggest you contact Adept Electronic Solutions (an NVSI partner) who provide several suitable FireWire cameras for prices as low as $1,000 including a PCI FireWire card.  Adept Electronic Solutions also provide several lighting and lens lines - we suggest them to you because they are who we use!


TEDS - Are You Ready?

TEDS (Transducer Electronic Data Sheet) sensors were launched a few years ago with much ado about how they were going to revolutionise the worldwide process technology market.  TEDS are a natural evolution of the common sensor, and this month's What's New in Process Technology magazine has an article that not only describes what they are and how they work, but also tips on how to implement them in your system.

How do we know?  Because it was written by Christopher G. Relf, our very own Development Manager/Senior Technical Specialist wrote it!  A keen software and hardware automation engineer, Christopher is a National Instruments Certified LabVIEW Architect and the author of “Image Acquisition and Processing with LabVIEW” (CRC Press).  Christopher’s industrial experience includes NVSI, the Division of Telecommunications and Industrial Physics of the CSIRO, J D S Uniphase and as a freelance technical journalist for Australian Consolidated Press.

If you haven't got a copy of the latest What's New in Process Technology, you can sign up to receive it monthly here.


  Website / Newsletter Revamp - Coming Soon!

We're busily putting the final touches on our new website and newsletter, ready for their launches next month.  At your request, future newsletter features include an increased technical content, more training and education opportunities and the introduction of a technical challenge for our readers.  We're also going to focus a little more on our capabilities and those of our partners, so you can see what we do best, and where we can help your business.

That said, our designs and content aren't set in stone just yet, so if there's anything in particular you'd like to see, please feel free to drop the editor an email here.


In Our Next Issue (May 2005)      

  Stick around for our next issue, and read about:

* NVSI website and newsletter overhaul
...and more!



  Neo Vista System Integrators Pty Ltd is a National Instruments Certified Alliance Partner, providing expert software, hardware and education products in the Measurement and Automation industry.  NVSI's mission is:

"To ensure our Partner's and Client's long-term viability and success, by providing them with timely, appropriate and effective advice, products and services that enhance their technology, increase their efficiency and decrease their product's time-to-market."


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* Prices are listed in Australian Dollars (AUD), and are not inclusive of GST
* Prices are subject to change without notice
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